Many in our community may have questions and concerns about the COVID-19 virus. Since the start of COVID-19, SampsonRMC has closely monitored risks with guidance from the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC), the North Carolina Division of Public Health (NCDPH), and our local health department. As we respond to community outbreaks, we are taking every action to keep our patients and healthcare workers safe.


Effective Monday, 2月20日, 2023, SampsonRMC visitor guidelines have been updated to the following:

    • Visiting hours are 8:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.
    • 游客 must be 18 years of age or older.
    • Masks are required for visitors in hallways and common areas.
    • 游客 experiencing cold-like symptoms, 比如发烧, 流鼻涕, 咳嗽, or shortness of breath, should not visit until symptom-free for at least 24 hours.
    • 游客 who are COVID-positive, even if asymptomatic, are not permitted to visit until 10 days have passed since the onset of symptoms or a positive test result.
    • 游客 who have been in close contact with someone who is COVID-positive are not permitted to visit until 10 days have passed since the initial exposure. 

劳动 & 交付

病人 may have two support persons for the duration of their stay, beginning at the time of labor, through post-partum care and discharge. Post-partum patients may have up to two (2) visitors at any time during routine visiting hours and one (1) support person may stay overnight. Overnight visitors will not have entrance (or re-entrance) after 8:00 pm. Post-partum visitors are permitted to exchange in and out during routine visiting hours.


病人 may have two visitors for the duration of the patient's Emergency Room stay. There may be no exchanging of visitors.  If the patient is transferred to the OR, visitors will follow guidelines for Surgical Services.  If the patient is admitted, visitors will follow Medical/Surgical and ICU guidelines.


Two support persons may accompany the patient to procedure. This visitor should remain in the Surgical Services waiting area until the patient is discharged. There may be no exchanging of visitors. If the patient is admitted after procedure, visitors will follow Medical/Surgical and ICU guidelines.


病人 may have up to two visitors during visiting hours. 游客 may rotate in and out as needed during visiting hours. 病人 may have one (1) visitor overnight. Overnight visitors may not exchange and will not enter or gain re-entrance after 8:00 pm.


OB组- One (1) care partner may accompany the mother for the duration of labor and delivery and then for one (1) hour post-partum directly following delivery. The care partner must be fully vaccinated, 签署弃权书, and wear hospital-issued gown, 手套, and mask during the visit.

End-of-Life 护理 - Immediate family members may each visit once for the duration of 15 minutes. The visitors must be fully vaccinated, 签署弃权书, and wear hospital-issued gown, 手套 and mask during the visit.



This is a rapidly evolving situation, and new information becomes available almost daily. To stay informed with the most recently available information, we recommend following The Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) for detailed information about COVID-19, how it's spread, and its symptoms, 预防, 治疗, 和测试. You may also find it useful to follow the NC Department of Health & Human Services page for more detailed information about North Carolina's preparedness. 

Physicians have specific criteria they must follow before ordering a test. Please understand that tests cannot be performed simply upon request without first meeting these criteria. Testing is ordered when a healthcare provider determines it is appropriate. 

SampsonRMC is not able to test for COVID-19 in its laboratory. Based on screening criteria and symptoms, we will coordinate testing through the state laboratory, or a commercial laboratory approved by the FDA for COVID-19 testing. 

Keep yourself and loved ones safe by following these tips:  

  • Always practice good hand hygiene. Wash with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer 
  • Cover your 咳嗽 or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash 
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick
  • Stay home when you are sick
  • Avoid touching your mouth, eyes, and nose
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using a regular household cleaning spray or wipe

If your symptoms are mild, contact your primary care provider or the health department for guidance. If you have fever and symptoms of respiratory illness, such as 咳嗽 or difficulty breathing, inform your provider. 也, let them know if you have been in close contact with a person known to have COVID-19 or if you have recently traveled to an area with an ongoing spread. 

If you suspect you are infected with COVID-19, follow these steps from the CDC. Call ahead before walking into a clinic or doctor's office. This will help your healthcare provider take the right steps to keep other people from being exposed. 

如果你在 痛苦 with symptoms of fever, 咳嗽, and shortness of breath, or believe you are having a medical emergency, call 911 or report to the nearest emergency department. If it will not delay your care, consider calling on the way so that the staff can prepare for your arrival.

The number of patients tested is not released to the public. This information is made available to hospital administrators who are responsible for managing hospital operations and to public health agencies who are responsible for monitoring public health and disease outbreaks. Not all tests for COVID-19 in our community are performed at the hospital. Tests may also be performed by the health department and other healthcare organizations unaffiliated with SampsonRMC.

The release of this information is coordinated through North Carolina's Emergency Management Center or, when appropriate, by our Public Information Officer to the media. Not all tests for COVID-19 are performed at SampsonRMC. 

Sampson County Emergency Management releases information about confirmed cases in Sampson County, including those confirmed by the hospital. If we have positive cases, we aim to be honest and transparent at the earliest time possible, but understand our commitment is first to our patients, healthcare workers, and the agencies responsible for public health. 

You are welcome to follow us on social media to receive updates when they are available to the community.  Our handle on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram is @SampsonRMC.

For most recent stats, visit ncdhhs.政府/covid-19-case-count-nc


We are pleased to provide COVID-19 testing as supplies allow. Testing can be done at the main hospital for inpatients and emergency department patients and on an outpatient basis at our drive-through site located at Sampson Medical Group of Clinton. Outpatient testing requires a provider order with approval from the hospital's Chief Medical Officer.

SampsonRMC will process the tests and bill for the service.  Most insurance companies are paying for the testing without any out-of-pocket responsibility of the insured patient. Because plans vary, we do not offer a guarantee that your insurance will pay. Consult your insurance carrier for updated plan coverage during COVID-19. 

For self-pay patients (those without insurance), the charge for the test is $102.  With a 25% discount offered by SampsonRMC, the price is $76.50 for self-pay patients.


If you have other questions or concerns, the North Carolina Division of Public Health is your best resource. You can reach their call line at 1-866-462-3821.


Finding a Vaccine is easy. Locate a vaccine nearest you by visiting 疫苗.政府.


For the latest on COVID-19 updates and guidance, please visit: